Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy

What is Partial Arthroscopic Meniscectomy?

Partial arthroscopic meniscectomy is a procedure to remove the damaged part of a meniscus in the knee joint with the help an arthroscope. The meniscus is a C-shaped disc of cartilage between your thighbone and shinbone. There are 2 menisci in each knee. They act as shock absorbers and provide stability to the joint.

When Do you Need Partial Arthroscopic Meniscectomy?

Meniscal injuries may be associated with trauma or age-related wearing. Minor injuries located in the peripheral region of the meniscus either heal on their own or may be repaired with sutures. Your doctor may recommend partial arthroscopic meniscectomy if you have a more centrally located irreparable meniscal tear or unstable meniscal fragment causing pain and interfering with the free movement of your knee joint.

Preparing for Partial Arthroscopic Meniscectomy

Before meniscus surgery, you will undergo a physical examination, certain tests and imaging studies. You may be advised not to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery.

Procedure for Partial Arthroscopic Meniscectomy

Partial arthroscopic meniscectomy is mostly performed on an outpatient basis and may last about an hour. It is usually performed under regional (spinal) anesthesia with sedation to keep you relaxed. For the procedure:

Post Operation Care and Rehabilitation

Following surgery, you may be asked to:

As part of your recovery your doctor may recommend physical therapy and other rehabilitation programs to ensure a quick return to normal activities. Rehabilitation usually takes about 4 weeks.

Complications or Risks of the Surgery

Though partial arthroscopic meniscectomy has a very low complication rate (less than 1%), the procedure may rarely be associated with:

Younger individuals with healthy menisci have better results from surgery.


Partial arthroscopic meniscectomy has a high success rate. Though recovery is usually quick, everyone heals at a different pace.

Age plays an important role in the success of partial arthroscopic meniscectomy. The procedure is most effective if you are under 30 and have it performed within the first two months of injury. If you are over 30, the prospect of success diminishes as the meniscal tissue begins to deteriorate and weaken with age.

Those with larger meniscal injuries are more likely to develop arthritis.