Patella Replacement

Patellofemoral Knee Replacement

What is Patellofemoral Knee Replacement?

Traditionally, a patient with only one compartment of knee arthritis would undergo a total knee replacement surgery. Patellofemoral knee replacement is a minimally invasive surgical option that preserves the knee parts not damaged by arthritis as well as the stabilizing anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments, ACL and PCL.

The smaller implants used with a partial knee replacement surgery are customized to your anatomy based upon CT scans of your knee. A surgical robotic arm assists your surgeon with preoperative planning and intraoperative component placement, positioning, and alignment. Patellofemoral knee arthroplasty surgery will not alter the ability of the patient to eventually move to a total knee replacement in the future should that become necessary.

Indications of Patellofemoral Knee Replacement

Patellofemoral knee replacement surgery may be recommended by your surgeon if you have osteoarthritis contained to the patellofemoral compartment and you have not obtained adequate relief with conservative treatment options. This less invasive bone and ligament preserving surgery is especially useful for younger, more active patients as the implant placed more closely mimics actual knee mechanics than does a total knee surgery.

Patellofemoral Knee Replacement Procedure

Partial Knee Replacement surgery is performed in an operating room under sterile conditions with the patient under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia with sedation. It is usually performed on an outpatient basis as day surgery.

Postoperative Recovery after Patellofemoral Knee Replacement

Common postoperative guidelines include:

Risks and Complications of Patellofemoral Knee Replacement

As with any major surgery there are potential risks involved. The decision to proceed with the surgery is made because the advantages of surgery outweigh the potential disadvantages.

It is important that you are informed of these risks before the surgery takes place.

Complications can be medical (general) or specific to knee surgery. Medical complications include those of the anesthetic and your general wellbeing. Almost any medical condition can occur so this list is not complete. Complications include:

Complications are rare after knee surgery, but unexpected events can follow any operation. Your surgeon feels that you should be aware of complications that may take place so that your decision to proceed with this operation is taken with all relevant information available to you.

Specific complications related to patellofemoral knee replacement surgery include:

Risk factors that can negatively affect adequate healing after knee arthroscopy include: